Take The 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge TODAY!


"Your stories and posts inspire me are making a difference in peoples lives"

"I'm finally starting to sleep straight through the night, second night in a row in years..."

It's about a normal guy who drank alcohol.

A few glasses of wine during the week after work to relax. Some beer on the weekends with friends.

A few drinks when celebrating birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and watching football games.
It was social drinking. Fun.

He didn't have an alcohol problem or got into trouble.

But it was part of his routine. 

The years passed.

Over time, he put on 20lbs (9kg). A beer belly hung over his belt buckle.

His face looked puffy and weathered.

He wasn’t sleeping well and always felt tired, sluggish, irritable.

He liked his job but didn’t love it. His relationships were ok but not amazing. 

He was merely existing. Not thriving. Not happy.

The man in the story is me.

On March 10, 2010, I went for a 'hangover breakfast' at the International House of Pancakes (IHOP), after a fun night at the South by Southwest festival.
Everything made me feel nauseous. The big, bright, bold colors on the IHOP menus. The sights and smells of greasy, unhealthy food.

I felt rock bottom so made the instant decision to go 30 days alcohol-free: a personal bet to test my self-discipline.

The first two weeks were hard. When I went out with friends and ordered water, they gave me a hard time. “You’re un-Australian!” they’d say.

But I survived those two weeks. I felt better, slept better and had more mental clarity.

After 30 days, I’d lost an incredible 13lbs (5.9kg) of fat around my stomach. Just from stopping drinking.

I had more money in the bank. My skin looked considerably better, and I enjoyed getting out of bed for early morning exercise.

“Bugger it. I feel great," I said to myself. "Just keep going and see how far you can go.” Little did I know just how far I would go.

After 60 days, I craved a cold beer. Or a red wine. Or a Bombay Sapphire gin and tonic with a dash of lime.
When it was hot outside, I started dreaming, “I could smash a cold beer right now!” But I breathed deeply, downed some water, and the feeling passed.

After three months, I felt terrific. I’d dropped a few more pounds of fat and started to put on lean muscle in the gym. People complimented me on how good I looked.

Despite not drinking, I still managed to have wildly entertaining nights out – even with my drunken friends slurring their words around me.

I could be the life of the party, and no one would notice that I wasn't drinking.

I could still burn the midnight oil until 5 am but didn't want to: nothing good happened after1 am, anyway.

When I told women I wasn’t drinking, far from them thinking I was an alcoholic in recovery, they were impressed with my self-discipline. Conversations became more meaningful.

“Beautiful,” I thought. “I can stop drinking and still be fun, entertaining and attractive to women.”
Guys were always suspicious of my story, thinking that I was an alcoholic in recovery.

They called me a “Pussy!” Or said, “Just have one!” Or “An Aussie that doesn’t drink?!?! F$%k off!”

Some idiots even tried to slip vodka into my water.

It was part of the test. I just smiled, pointed to my head and said, "I'm too strong in mind."

I was then up at 8 am on weekends to hit the gym. I'd showered, had breakfast and was ready to tackle the day by 11 am when my mates were just dragging their lazy, hungover backsides out of bed.

Between three and six months I was in the zone. I felt energetic and healthy. I thrived on telling people I had temporarily stopped drinking.

Six to 12 months was fairly easy, but here I noticed the most dramatic changes.
I became calmer and made better decisions.

My work productivity soared. 

More opportunities – like an ESPN audition to host SportsCenter – came my way. When it did, I had clarity and energy to win the gig and host SportsCenter for two years.

When I reached the personal milestone of one year without drinking, I found myself back in Austin at South by Southwest. I went to a pub, ordered a Budweiser, and put it to my mouth.

I had every intention of drinking that beer. But something stopped me from taking a sip. I paused and thought about it for a minute.

I decided that all the pros of not drinking outnumbered the cons. So I said to myself, “I’ll just keep going.”

So I did. I put the Budweiser down and haven’t picked up a drink since.

I’m 20lbs (9kg) lighter today than I was when I started my 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge. I’m 38lbs (17kg) lighter than when I was at my heaviest.

Drinking kept fat around my waist. Stopping drinking eliminated it. This is likely due to three main things:

1. Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories.

2. Drinking makes you eat a lot more food, especially junk like fries and desserts.

3. Quitting drinking gives you the energy to be more active.

You don't need to quit drinking entirely like I did. But my story clearly shows some of the positive benefits of even a 30-day break from alcohol.

Feel better, look better, lose weight, save money and have better relationships.

Now, that’s a cocktail.
1. Alcohol contains a lot of empty calories.

2. Drinking makes you eat a lot more food, especially junk like fries and desserts.

3. Quitting drinking gives you the energy to be more active.
You don't need to quit drinking entirely like I did. But my story clearly shows some of the positive benefits of even a 30-day break from alcohol.

Feel better, look better, lose weight, save money and have better relationships.

Now, that’s a cocktail.
After my success, my friends started asking me how I looked so good.

So I decided I had to create a more formal 30-day challenge.

So that’s what I did. I put everything I learned about breaking habits, staying self-disciplined, losing weight, making money, staying the course of 30 days into one system.

One system to help people break their reliance on alcohol.

One system that stays with you all along the 30 days.

I call that system, the “30-Day No Alcohol Challenge”.



When you sign up for my challenge, you automatically get access to my exclusive closed "30 Day No Alcohol Challenge" Facebook group. Here, you will find hundreds of other people supporting you in your challenge.

Don’t rely on brute willpower alone. Let other people support you. In the New York Times best-seller "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg, it says people only change when "there were embedded in social groups that made change easier."
"When people join groups where change seems possible, the potential for that change to occur becomes more real. For most people who overhaul their lives, there are no seminal moment of life-altering disasters. There are simply communities who make change believable.
Put simply, "Change occurs among other people."
"OMG! I absolutely adore you, James Swanwick! You are absolutely correct, there are no excuses anymore. Thank you for doing this! You have no idea how much it has helped me and inspired me. My life has changed so much for the better since coming across your No Alcohol Challenge."
"You've inspired me, James - thank you from the cockles of my heart. I was alcohol free for nearly 2 years & felt ALIVE. I then turned to wine for comfort. 2 years later I'm ready to say goodbye to this old friend. Thank you for the inspiration you don't even know you've stirred in me. Thank you so much!"
Day 31! It is accomplished! Delighted that I went the full 30 days. Thanks James, for the help in kickstarting a new personal change and development effort. Amazing what can happen after going without alcohol for just one month! 
"A big thank you to everyone in facebook group and James for doing this 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge . This has really changed a lot of things in my life. For the past decade I have been destroying my body every weekend. So this has been a breath of fresh air honestly. My skin looks a lot better. I used to have these little bumps under my eyes. Now they are virtually gone. I am way more productive. I am finding ways to do all kinds of things I didn’t know existed before. It’s wild. And one of the coolest things is I have a lot better control over my emotions. Things that used to bum me out in the past just don’t really bum me out anymore. I can see the importance of certain things much easier now. I want to say thank you very much. I finished my 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge on Easter. It’s been an incredible ride. And hey, if you’re still doing it, keep going! You are going to find out amazing things about yourself. Thanks again!" 
"I feel amazing after completing the 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge. Not only has my sleep improved, but my mental clarity and energy has skyrocketed! My weekends are no longer spent tired, irritable, and foggy, but instead, vibrant, productive and happy! My overall health has improved and my workouts have been more energetic. This challenge is for anyone, regardless of how much alcohol you drink (daily, weekly, or monthly). Abstaining or limiting your alcohol intake for 30 days can have huge benefits on your overall health, wellness, your relationships and especially your sleep habits. I would recommend James Swanwick’s program to anyone who wants to reclaim their weekends, and live a happy, vibrant and more productive life." 
DON: "We recently completed the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge. When I first started, I was sceptical. I didn’t think 30 days would be enough to create any meaningful change. That was very surprising to me. The 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge turned out to be more than enough for us to reset and create new habits for ourselves. It’s given us a new perspective on how alcohol fits into our lives. And making that commitment to spend money to join the program made a big difference for me. I really participated in the initial exercises and I looked forward every day to receiving James’s videos on my iPhone. They kept me inspired to finish and there was no question I was going to finish this program. We are going to the gym more often, going to bed earlier, everything seems to be going better for us. Thank you for putting this program together, James. It’s awesome!

SYLVIE: I initially started to support Don but it helped me understand a couple of things about myself and alcohol and how I don’t need it to have a good time at a party. It was very helpful for us and for me and our relationship. And we saved a lot of money!"


Test it. See how you feel. See if it works for you. After 30 days, you can decide to stay quit. Or reduce your alcohol intake from there.

Or don’t do it at all. If you’re happy drinking, keep drinking.

I use to love drinking. I use to enjoy drinking a six-pack of beer and a bottle of red with the best of them.

I’m might do it again one day.

But for now, I’m happy with water and soda and feel like I am the best version of me.


Larry Ellison, Cofounder and CEO of Oracle; No. 5 on Forbes’ list of The World’s Billionaires, says: “I can’t stand anything that clouds my mind. … I have no problem with people drinking; I have no problem with people smoking dope. If that’s what they want to do, God bless them, that’s their business. But I can’t do those things.”
So right now I want to find amazing people out there who want to get back on track.

This page you’re reading right now is like my personal ‘radar’. It’s a way to send out a signal and see if I can locate just a few of you. Those of you with big dreams.

Because let’s face it. If you felt like everything was ok with your life right now, you wouldn’t be reading this.

You’re still reading because maybe you haven’t got what you wanted in life. And maybe the alcohol is one of the reasons or No. 1 reason.

Maybe you’re sick of waking up each morning with a hangover. Maybe you’re sick of feeling like you’ve made a fool of yourself out on the drink, maybe you said the wrong thing and it’s affected a friendship or a relationship.

Maybe you got so drunk one night and made a complete ass of yourself. Maybe you know you’re hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Or you’re not very ambitious.
Or you have a bad relationship with your family and only have a few friends. Maybe you’re not the type of husband material you thought you were. Or the wife you want to be. Or the boyfriend or girlfriend.

Maybe you’re a guy and you feel dependent on drinking to be able to get up the courage to approach a girl.

Or you’re spending a ridiculous amount of money on drinking and drinking-related activities that you can’t afford to pay rent, or invest for the future. Maybe you feel like you’re fat or overweight or drinking makes you have to force yourself out of bed in the morning.

Or you feel that peer group pressure to drink in order to be one of the boys, or one of the girls. Or you feel like you have to drink to fit in. Or you just hate hangovers. They’re the worst right?
When you join the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge, you’ll discover how to do this – how to actually take a break for 30 days. And your life is going to change.


Imagine waking up in the morning and springing out of bed, rather than dragging your arse out of the bed in the morning.

Actually getting 7 or 8 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Or losing weight. Getting more energy.

Better skin.

People will say to you, “Man, your skin looks good. Have you been working out?

Getting the rid of feeling like you always want or crave a drink.

Find yourself getting closer to a higher level of self control.

All whilst gaining a deeper understanding of how you as an individual


Imagine how different your life will become with better relationships.

Imagine true love from your partner.

Better communication.

Or if you’re single, being able to finally attract a better mate.

A higher quality of mate. Rather than picking up drunk girls or drunk guys and waking up in a stupor.

You’re able to attract a partner with your conversation and your positivity and your health.

Or doing it for your kids. You’re a parent?

You want to be closer to your kids?

Give up the booze for 30 days and watch how much closer you get to them.


When you save money, think of the financial stress you’re not going to have.

Research shows that 80% of all marriages end because of financial stress.

Not being able to pay the bills or have the good things a prosperous life offers is absolute poison for a relationship.

But with some extra money in the pocket, from saving money, and from being able to focus on money-making activities, you’ll be full of abundance and prosperity.

You can save money towards a big house in a beautiful neighborhood, traveling the world, or providing the best education and opportunities for your children, being able to help friends and family who are less well off than you, or changing the world.


Imagine waking up in the morning and springing out of bed, rather than dragging your arse out of the bed in the morning.

Actually getting 7 or 8 hours uninterrupted sleep.

Or losing weight. Getting more energy.

Better skin.

People will say to you, “Man, your skin looks good. Have you been working out?

Getting the rid of feeling like you always want or crave a drink.

Find yourself getting closer to a higher level of self control.

All whilst gaining a deeper understanding of how you as an individual


Imagine how different your life will become with better relationships.

Imagine true love from your partner.

Better communication.

Or if you’re single, being able to finally attract a better mate.

A higher quality of mate. Rather than picking up drunk girls or drunk guys and waking up in a stupor.

You’re able to attract a partner with your conversation and your positivity and your health.

Or doing it for your kids. You’re a parent?

You want to be closer to your kids?

Give up the booze for 30 days and watch how much closer you get to them.


When you save money, think of the financial stress you’re not going to have.

Research shows that 80% of all marriages end because of financial stress.

Not being able to pay the bills or have the good things a prosperous life offers is absolute poison for a relationship.

But with some extra money in the pocket, from saving money, and from being able to focus on money-making activities, you’ll be full of abundance and prosperity.

You can save money towards a big house in a beautiful neighborhood, traveling the world, or providing the best education and opportunities for your children, being able to help friends and family who are less well off than you, or changing the world.
  • How to figure out your WHY you want to reduce or quit alcohol for a while. Tony Robbins, the motivational coach, says “Once someone’s ‘why’ is big enough, then it becomes easy to make things happen.”
  • How to prepare for quitting for 30 days. From how to ensure alcohol’s not within arms distance from you, to powerful things you can say to yourself to stop yourself from reaching for a drink – getting ready to stop is incredibly important and ensures you see this through to the end successfully.
  • How to get an accountability partner – someone to help you along the way and keep you motivated.
  • How to ACTUALLY stop drinking for 30 days. And stay stopped. No having a little drink here or a sip there. Just bang, stopped. The end. A lot of it’s habit. I’m going to teach you how to form a brand new habit.
  • What to say when one of your friends says, “Go on, just have one!” I call it the “Go on, just have one reaction”. The word-for-word script when your friends are pressuring you to just have one. Saying this will stop them in their tracks and they’ll start supporting you.
  • “No-Alcohol Seduction”: If you’re a single guy used to approaching women with a few drinks in you, you’re going to learn how to get up the courage to approach a woman WITHOUT the alcohol.
  • “The Hormonal Reset”: How your hormones change with 30 days off alcohol. How your blood glucose, liver health, thyroid, metabolism and immune system will all improve with a break. How your Vitamin D levels will shoot up. You’ll understand why all this happens.
  • “My Life Without Alcohol”: You’re going to hear from 5 people who have successfully completed their 30-day challenge and the positive benefits that happened in their lives. You’re going to hear from a professional poker player who’s won more than $6million in career earnings as a result of not drinking when he plays.
  • “My Life Without Alcohol”: You’re going to hear from 5 people who have successfully completed their 30-day challenge and the positive benefits that happened in their lives. You’re going to hear from a professional poker player who’s won more than $6million in career earnings as a result of not drinking when he plays.
  • “Drink This Instead” – A list of drinks to drink instead of alcohol – you can drink lots of things that aren’t just plain water.
  • “The Sneaky Little Trick That Makes People Think You’re Drinking When You’re Not” – Believe me, nobody will know you’re drinking water.
  • “Hello Saturday and Sunday Mornings”: What to do with all that new spare time on your hands. What to do when you wake up earlier on a Saturday or Sunday morning. What new activities and social circles you can get into.
  • “The Energy Creator”: What to do with your newfound energy. Now that you’re not collapsing from fatigue and dragging yourself around with a hangover, where should you focus all that physical and mental energy? I’m going to give you a comprehensive list.
  • “The Stress And Anxiety Crusher”: The simple breathing technique that takes you from a stress-filled ball of anxiety to a calm and relaxed superman, with higher levels of self control and focus.
  • “The No-Alcohol Wind-Down”: How to find an alternative way to wind down at home without alcohol. How to crush drinking alone. When the bottle is seemingly your only friend, how to break your reliance on it.
  • “How To Make New Sober Friends”: Think you’re the only one not drinking? Nope! There are thousands of people all around you not drinking. How do you find them to make them your friends? How to figure out your WHY you want to reduce or quit alcohol for a while. Tony Robbins, the motivational coach, says “Once someone’s ‘why’ is big enough, then it becomes easy to make things happen.”
Once you start, you will receive a daily video lesson from me, delivered to your email inbox.

You simply open the email, watch the short video I’ve recorded for you, and you stay on track.

I don’t let you figure it out on your own.

I’m with you all along the way.

These daily emails will keep you motivated, make sure you don’t get sidetracked and inspire you to stay the course.

AND you’ll also be part of a community of other people doing their 30-day no alcohol challenges.
Alright, so right now, you have an important decision to make. Most likely one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.

One that could have a dramatic effect on not only your love and social life, but also your mental well being. What it comes down to is this.

You can go on from here alone and keep doing what you’ve been doing all along the same way before you found this page, continuing to experience the frustrations and challenges that brought you here in the first place.

Or you can click the link below right now and get access to The 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge system. The system for getting back on track.

Do it now because at any moment, it will be closed forever and never mentioned again. Obviously, I can’t make the decision for you.

But I honestly believe everything happens for a reason and it’s no accident you’re here right now watching this. Go ahead and give it a try.
You risk nothing and you’re fully guaranteed to save more money, lose weight, sleep better and have better relationships. It’s really that simple. I wouldn’t make this promise if I wasn’t absolutely sure it would work for you.

When you click the button below, you can feel confident that you will finally start getting the life that you truly deserve. Go ahead, right now, click the button below and just enter your information on the secure 256-bit SSL encrypted form on the next page.
Your information is 100% confidential and you will enjoy full privacy inside our instant access membership area.

Soon, you’ll look back on this moment as a crucial turning point in your life. Everything is going to change and you’ll never have to be alone again.

Never again will you feel the pain of rejection.

Right now, everything changes. When you get your first success, go ahead and send me an email. Or post about it in the closed facebook group.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the transformation I can help make in people’s lives. Click the button below to get started. Thank you for reading. I look forward to seeing you in the program.

Join The 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge For $7

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